Bryan Holloway

608 Evergreen Ct. E.

Urbana, IL 61801-5928

Home: (217) 356-5991

Office: (217) 333-0766

Fax: (217) 244-0793

Background Summary

Fourth-year doctoral student in Electrical Engineering with a strong computer-science background. Expertise includes audio signal processing in both music and speech.

Current Occupation:

Major Accomplishments

1989 to 1993: Network Administrator

1990 to 1994: Broadcast Radio

1991 to Present: Audio Signal Processing

1992 to 1993: Mainframe Computer Optimization and Implementation

Workshops and Seminars

1992 to Present: Intensive Workshop in Sound Computation

1991 to Present: Sound Computation Seminars (Spring and Fall Semesters)


Refereed Publications

