Loris Utility Programs


A utility program to perform Loris analysis of a sampled sound (read from an AIFF file or from standard input), and store the Partials in a SDIF file.

loris-analyze resolution 

Frequency resolution (minimum frequency separation between partials) is specified in Hz.

If the window width (symmetric main lobe of frequency spectrum, measured in Hz) is not specified, twice the resolution is used.

If no input filename is specified, samples are read from standard input, and the sample rate must be specified using the -rate flag.


-o,-out,-ofile,-outfile : set the name of the output (SDIF) file. Requires a file name.

-render,-synth : render the Partials to a new (AIFF) samples file. Optionally specify the name of the file, otherwise test.aiff is used.

-collate : collate the Partials to reduce their number without assuming any harmonic structure (cannot distill later!).

-distill,-dist : distill the Partials assuming a harmonic structure with the specified approximate fundamental frequency. Requires a positive numeric parameter.

-resample,-resamp : resample the Partials at a regular interval (in seconds). Requires a positive numeric parameter.

-hop,-hoptime : set the hop time paremeter for the Analyzer. Requires a positive numeric parameter. Default is the inverse of the analysis window width.

-crop,-croptime : set the cropping time parameter for the Analyzer. Requires a positive numeric parameter. Default is the inverse of the analysis window width.

-bw,-bwregionwidth : set the bandwidth association region width parameter for the Analyzer. Requires a non-negative numeric parameter, 0 indicates disable bandwidth association. Default is 2 kHz.

-drift,-freqdrift : set the frequency drift parameter for the Analyzer. Requires a positive numeric parameter. Default is half the frequency resolution.

-ampfloor : set the amplitude floor parameter for the Analyzer. Requires a NEGATIVE numeric parameter, relative to 0 dB full amplitude sine wave. Default is -90 dB.

-freqfloor : set the frequency floor parameter for the Analyzer. Requires a positive numeric parameter.

-sidelobes,-attenuation,-sidelobelevel : set the sidelobe attenuation (in positive dB) for the analysis window used by the Analyzer (default is 90 dB). Requires a positive numeric parameter.

-rate,-samplerate,-sr : set the sample rate for the test render (no effect if not used with -render or -synth, default rate is same as input file). Also sets the sample rate for samples read from standard input (default is 44.1 kHz). Requires a positive numeric parameter.

-resolution,-res,-freqres,-freqresolution : set the frequency resolution parameter for the Analyzer (after configuring other parameters). Requires a positive numeric parameter.

-width,--winwidth,-windwowidth : set the main lobe width of the the analysis window used by the Analyzer (default is twice the frequency resolution). Requires a positive numeric parameter.

-v,-verbose : print lots of information before analyzing


Utility program to render Partials stored in a SDIF file, optionally with dilation and amplitude and frequency scaling by a constant factor.

loris-synthesize filename.sdif [options] [times] 


-rate sample rate in Hz

-freq frequency scale factor

-amp amplitude scale factor

-o output AIFF file name, default is synth.aiff

Optional times (any number) are used for dilation. If times are specified, they must all correspond to Markers in the SDIF file. If only a single time is specified, and the SDIF file has no Markers or more than one, the specified time is used as the overall duration of the uniformly-dilated synthesis.


loris-dilate filename.sdif [options] times 

Utility program to dilate Partials stored in a SDIF file, optionally with amplitude and frequency scaling by a constant factor.


-freq frequency scale factor

-amp amplitude scale factor

-o output SDIF file name, default is dilated.sdif

Times (any non-zero number) are used for dilation. The specified times must all correspond to Markers in the SDIF file. If only a single time is specified, and the SDIF file has no Markers or more than one, the specified time is used as the overall duration of the uniformly-dilated partials.


Utility program to add a marker to a AIFF, SPC, or SDIF file.

loris-mark filename marker_time marker_name 


Utility program to remove a marker or markers from a AIFF, SPC, or SDIF file.

loris-unmark filename marker_name 


Utility program to read the markers stored in a AIFF, SPC, or SDIF file and print them to standard output.

loris-spewmarkers filename 

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Last update: 31 Mar 2005